Saturday, April 6, 2013

That day.


Last friday, i attend an event for (don't wanna mention it here!). that was the first time aku attend majelis itu. yelah, i know. aku nie pemalas yg amat back then n tak berapa layak nak masuk majelis seperti itu. but, luckily, He give me that opportunity to be part of it. Alhamdulillah.

As a first timer, aku rasa sgt teruja. as i am surrounded by clever-clever people, aku terasa sangat excited+kecik sesangat+'am i in the wrong place?' well..congrats to all of you. basically, i enjoice the event very much. with all the friends yg aku kenal, respected lecturers, good food, and all the happiness. even the event hanya berlangsung less than 6 hours, i am grateful to be there. 

i'm gonna miss you people. HR really means something to me. now i know the hikmah why aku keterlewatan menyambung blajar..huhu. (ayat poyos nak cover kealpaan masa memuda dulu.). btw, tq so much to my lovely sue for your doa n ilmu...

with lovely classmates.

congratss HRians...

K. bye.
Tq sudi baca entri educated comel nie.

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